What is a pet cremated in?

Original Question: What is my pet cremated in? - Anonymous

What is a pet cremated in? Aug 16, 2020

Most veterinary clinics and crematoriums still use plastic cadaver bags to transport and cremate pets. Although this may be distressing, some clinics have opted to use more respectful and purpose-built bags, such as EUTHABAG, to allow the pet to depart with dignity. It is recommended to check this information with your clinic or crematory service. Some, albeit very few crematoriums, may remove the pet from the bag prior to cremation.

Dr. Jocelyn Anne Mason, DVM

What is a pet cremated in?
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What is a pet cremated in?
Most veterinary clinics and crematoriums still use plastic cadaver bags to transport and cremate pets although some clinics have opted to use more respectful and purpose-built bags.
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Healthcare for Pets
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