How many feline greenies dental treats?

Original Question: How many treats are too many for a cat daily? We give her Feline Greenies Dental Treats, about 8-10 per day. Thanks - Ellen

How many feline greenies dental treats? Mar 1, 2018

Hi Ellen,

If she tolerates them well then you can use them. Just make sure you’re not giving so many feline greenies dental treats that she will get fat. This is extremely common and quite honestly by your email, I wonder if this may already be happening. Owners often have a lot of trouble keeping their pets at a healthy weight. Check with your veterinarian that she is a good weight. They can also do a calculation to tell you how many calories she should consume on a daily basis to maintain a healthy weight.

I hope this helps.

Dr. Clayton Greenway

How many feline greenies dental treats?
Article Name
How many feline greenies dental treats?
If she tolerates them well then you can use them. Just make sure you're not giving so many feline greenies dental treats that she will get fat. This is extremely common and quite honestly by your email, I wonder if this may already be happening. Owners often have a lot of trouble keeping their pets at a healthy weight.
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Healthcare for Pets
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