Signs of Pet Anxiety and How the Right Toys Can Help
Dec 4, 2024

Pets are a great companion to make living life feel more bearable. They provide companionship and lots of love but also have distinct personality traits that distinguish them from other animals of a similar breed.
Some pet owners may get the short end of the stick and have a pet with symptoms of anxiety. This can be a distressing condition for both the pet and its owner, as the former can experience triggers from various sources that can diminish both its quality of life and its owners’.
Fortunately, there are some remedies for this distressing condition. While some pet owners may swear by anxiety-alleviating medications, the right toys can also help soothe the pet and keep them calm and preoccupied.
If you want to ensure that your pet is living its best life, diagnosing its condition and helping it navigate through it should be a priority. You can do this in several ways—and this article will show you how the right toys can be a major contributor to easing your pet’s worries.
Let’s take a look.
Signs of Pet Anxiety
It’s crucial to know what to look out for if you suspect that your pet has anxiety. Here are the most prominent symptoms of this condition in pets, particularly canines.
1. Hiding or Withdrawal
One telltale sign of pet anxiety is their tendency to hide from their owners, other animals, or crowds of people.
Anxious pets have a heightened stress response, and they can feel overwhelmed if they’re put in a stressful situation that reminds them of a poor experience in the past.
As a result, they could want to retreat to quiet and enclosed spaces around the house, like behind furniture and under beds.
Some dogs may have an even more severe reaction from sources of stress, escaping under fences and gates or setting themselves free from their collar and leash.
Sometimes, your dog can retreat in these places and not necessarily feel anxious.
It’s important to gauge the context of the situation and understand the potential root cause of their anxiety. Look at other symptoms and manifestations as well for a more thorough understanding of their state of mind.
2. Excessive Barking or Whining
Some dog breeds like the Siberian Husky can also express their anxiety through barking or whining. These vocalisations are major indicators of a pet’s distress, and making these noises can be a way for them to self-soothe and feel relaxed amidst external pressures.
For instance, when leaving your pet alone, they can whine or bark continuously. They don’t bark for no reason—they truly feel fear and uncomfortable at that moment. To counteract this, it’s essential to train them to stop barking and whining during trigger moments.
There are many ways to calm a barking dog. One is to play calm music and provide a safe space for them. The second is to undergo reinforcement training using the right treats to help them manage their anxiety better.
3. Destructive Behavior
Another sign of pet anxiety is destructive behaviour. Both dogs and cats can act out in destructive ways when they feel a great sense of anxiety. Examples of these actions include scratching furniture, digging soil and grass, or even going to the toilet on the floor.
This can be a distressing experience not just for your pet, but for the household as well.
Cleaning up after your pet after they’ve acted out due to their anxiety can be a great source of stress for any pet owner. This can not just be stressful for the owner, but it can also be costly as they may end up breaking some stuff.
4. Restlessness
If your dog or cat cannot stay still for an extended period, that may indicate anxiety. Dogs can pace around a room repeatedly, walking back and forth with seemingly no direction. Cats also exhibit similar behaviours, roaming around a room or twitching quickly.
In any case, nervous movements could indicate that your pet is trying to release nervous energy or communicate unease with their surroundings. If left in a cramped room, your pet may resort to scratching the doors or gates instead of nervously pacing.
How the Right Pet Toys Can Help
It’s essential for a pet owner to provide your pet with all the right tools to help them overcome their anxiety. From chew toys to puzzle toys, there are a plethora of toy types that can give your pet an avenue to loosen up their nerves.
Here are some pet anxiety toys that can help give your pet a sense of security.
1. Plush Toys For Nervousness
Do you feel like you can’t sleep or unwind without your personal comfort item? A lot of people are like this, and pets can feel the same way.
Comfort toys like plush toys give your pet some reassurance amidst stressful times. They provide a soft, lightweight, and comfortable texture that can put your pet at ease, especially if they’re crated in an unfamiliar environment. If your pet is suffering from separation anxiety, they can also find comfort in their plush toy if your scent has rubbed off on them.
Plush toys are particularly useful for pets who hide themselves under furniture or chew on furniture around the house. This is because they can project their nervous energy onto the plush instead, allowing them to ease their nervous tension and keep them distracted.
2. Interactive Puzzle Toys for Mental Stimulation
For smarter pet breeds like the Jack Russel Terrier, giving them an interactive puzzle toy to play around with can help keep their mind off of anxiety-inducing triggers. For instance, puzzle feeders can simultaneously challenge your pet and reward them for successfully “solving” the puzzle.
It’s also a good way for them to spend their time, as these toys are designed not to dispense treats right away. For pets that howl or express nervous energy while their owner is away, an interactive puzzle toy can be a rewarding experience that also doubles as a distraction from an anxiety source.
3. Fetch Toys for Restlessness
Active dog breeds suffering from anxiety can benefit greatly from the right fetch toys.
Pent-up nerves expressed by anxious dogs can often be seen with them chewing, restlessness, and wanting to escape or hide. A fetch toy can help provide a physical outlet to release that energy and transfer it into healthy, physical and mental exercise.
Furthermore, fetching toys helps strengthen the bond between the pet and its owner. This can create a mutual sense of companionship between you and the pet. In turn, this can help them feel more comfortable and secure with you around, which is a great way to gain their trust if your pet has a fear of humans.
4. Heartbeat Toys for Young Pets
Snuggle toys are another great toy type that can help dogs and cats, particularly puppies and kittens, feel at ease when they’re separated from their littermates or mothers.
These toys replicate the sound and rhythm of a real heartbeat, which can simulate the presence of their family. This can help put younger pets at ease, especially if they’ve just recently moved into a new and unfamiliar environment alone.
These toys can be placed near your pup’s or kitten’s sleeping quarters. When used effectively, this can help minimise anxious behaviour like barking or whining. And over time, this toy can be used less and less as the pet gradually adjusts to their new environment.

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