Can neutered cats ejaculate?
Original Question: I have a 16-year-old male neutered cat that has been neutered since he was approximately two years old. In the last several months he will get on me on a daily basis by sitting on my lap and start off by needing his front paws and then stare at me and then will start masturbating. He will even ejaculate large amounts of semen. This doesn’t happen every single time he sits on my lap but it does happen multiple times on a daily basis. He has always been a very affectionate cat but never has he been like this. This only started happening within the last few months. He will not do this to anyone else in the family only to me. Every time he starts to do this I will push them onto the floor or he will then clean himself and go on about his business as if nothing happened. What should I do? - Misty
Hi Misty,
I would doubt that your neutered cat is ejaculating. There may be some underlying issues with his bladder or kidney health that could be affecting his behavior. A thorough history and exam with your veterinarian along with some baseline diagnostic tests (blood, urine, maybe some X-rays) would be the best course of action.
Best of luck.
Dr. Ryan Llera
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