Hi Shayma,
It certainly sounds like something has changed with your cat. A few things that come to mind would be kidney disease, diabetes, or an infection. Unfortunately, an examination is needed and probably some blood tests too. I would encourage you to talk with your veterinarian and see what an exam costs to start. There are often third-party payment plans you can apply for or check with family and friends if they can help you get your cat looked over.
I wish you the best of luck.
Dr. Ryan Llera
Article Name
My cat doesn't like to be touched, is less energetic and has lost weight. What is the cause and treatment?
It certainly sounds like something has changed with your cat. A few things that come to mind would be kidney disease, diabetes, or an infection. Unfortunately, an examination is needed and probably some blood tests too.
Dr. Ryan Llera, B.Sc., DVM
Publisher Name
Healthcare for Pets
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