Should a canine lipoma be removed and can they be prevented?

Original Question: Hello, my 7-year-old dog has a lipoma in his armpit. My vet recommended removing it while it is small since it may begin to affect his ability to walk. Given its location would you recommend its removal? Is it likely to regrow in another location? Is there anything I can do to prevent them? - Amy

Should a canine lipoma be removed and can they be prevented? Dec 13, 2017

Hi Amy,

While a lipoma is a benign lump, in that location if it grows larger, it could be more difficult or challenging to remove surgically. So taking it out now is advisable. Other canine lipomas can grow elsewhere on the body but wouldn’t be related to this particular one. And no way to prevent them; just get new lumps checked out when you notice them.

All the best.

Dr. Ryan Llera

Should a canine lipoma be removed and can they be prevented?
Article Name
Should a canine lipoma be removed and can they be prevented?
While a lipoma is a benign lump, in that location if it grows larger, it could be more difficult or challenging to remove surgically. So taking it out now is advisable. Other canine lipomas can grow elsewhere on the body but wouldn't be related to this particular one.
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Healthcare for Pets
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