Hi Lucas,
Crate training with positive reinforcement is my strong recommendation for potty training a puppy as it is an effective option. To simply explain crate training, when you are not home or awake, your puppy is in the crate. Every few hours, you take them right outside to use the bathroom and offer a reward or high-value treat. They don’t need to live in the crate but after being loose for a little while, put them back in the crate for a time and then repeat the process of taking them out again. Keep in mind, each puppy is different and this may not work for every puppy or some may take a little longer than others to become completely housebroken.
All the best.
Dr. Ryan Llera
Article Name
What are some tips for potty training a puppy?
DescriptionCrate training with positive reinforcement is my strong recommendation for potty training a puppy. To simply explain crate training, when you are not home or awake, your puppy is in the crate. Every few hours, you take them right outside to use the bathroom and offer a reward or high-value treat.
Dr. Ryan Llera, B.Sc., DVM
Publisher Name
Healthcare for Pets
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