Hi Bob,
Good on you for paying close attention to your cats and getting him looked at. Hyperthyroidism is a relatively good diagnosis compared to diabetes or kidney failure which also can cause these urinary issues in cats. It would be worth getting a urine culture done to make sure there isn’t a urinary tract infection. Otherwise, I would be considering behavioral or stress issues. Things may improve the longer he is on Methimazole but his problems may be multifactorial and could involve additional changes such as diet or supplements to aid in managing the urinary problems.
Best of luck to you and your cats.
Dr. Ryan Llera
Article Name
What could cause urinary issues in cats?
Hyperthyroidism is a relatively good diagnosis compared to diabetes or kidney failure which also can cause these urinary issues in cats. It would be worth getting a urine culture done to make sure there isn't a urinary tract infection. Otherwise, I would be considering behavioral or stress issues.
Dr. Ryan Llera, B.Sc., DVM
Publisher Name
Healthcare for Pets
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