Dogs drool for many reasons: excitement, anxiety, nausea, dental issues, or heat stroke. Some breeds, such as Saint Bernards and Great Danes, are more likely to drool due to their facial structures. While drooling is harmless most of the time, you should watch out for unusual symptoms:
- Excessive drooling
- Drool with a peculiar odor
- Drooling accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting
It’s wise to consult your veterinarian, as these symptoms may indicate critical health conditions.
Article Name
Why is my dog drooling?
DescriptionDogs drool for many reasons: excitement, anxiety, nausea, dental issues, or heatstroke. Some breeds, such as Saint Bernards and Great Danes, are more likely to drool due to their facial structures.
Publisher Name
Healthcare for Pets
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