Hi Cheryl,
Reggie sure does seem to have a complicated problem. The steps your veterinarian has taken so far are certainly appropriate and the future plan going forth would be a reasonable step as well as to include the low fat kangaroo diet for dogs, as they are definitely a novel protein that he would not have been exposed to. If these steps are not helping, then it might be time to consider getting some biopsy samples for a definitive diagnosis. Steroid trials are tricky but useful as they may show improvement but do mask any biopsy results plus have side effects (increased drinking and urination, increased appetite, muscle weakening).
I hope this helps.
Dr. Ryan Llera
Article Name
Would a low fat kangaroo diet for dogs help with my canine's diarrhea?
The steps your veterinarian has taken so far are certainly appropriate and the future plan going forth would be a reasonable step as well as to include the kangaroo dog food, as they are definitely a novel protein that he would not have been exposed to.
Dr. Ryan Llera, B.Sc., DVM
Publisher Name
Healthcare for Pets
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