How To Identify and Relieve Stress in Cats

A cat with brown eyes is lying under a carpet

This is a guide on how to identify stress in cats, understanding the causes and things you can do to help provide some relief.

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The Problem


Modern-day life can create a stressed out cat, but they are very good at hiding this. Cats are predators that don’t like to show weakness, so they do their best to avoid displaying physical or emotional distress. Often, we only realize our pet is stressed when she develops extreme behaviors or becomes sick, as—just as in humans—stress can be an important contributor or a trigger for some serious diseases. However, if we know what to look for, we can recognize stress in cats before issues arise, and we can therefore prevent problems from occurring.


How to tell if a cat is stressed? There are many signs both behaviorally and physically.




The Causes


Stress in cats can be caused or exacerbated by many things. Keep in mind that cats are creatures of habit, and they are happiest when a routine is implemented and followed. A change in routine or the pet’s environment, such as construction work in the house, the addition of a new baby or a new pet, or visiting strangers, can cause your friend to feel displaced and out of sorts. Cats can also feel stress when they have to compete for resources, such as food, water, and the litter tray, or when there are other cats in the household or neighborhood. Loud noises cause distress and events like holiday fireworks or thunderstorms can trigger anxiety.




The Solution


While not every stressful situation can be avoided, there are many things you can do to provide some stress relief for cats. Doing so may help prevent further behavioral changes or potential illness.




Bonus Tips


Taking your cat to the vet or cattery can cause a great deal of anxiety for you and your cat. From getting your cat in their carrier, to traveling in the car, to sitting in the waiting room. Every step can be stressful. Try these tips to make the experience more manageable and relaxed:


Article Name
How To Identify and Relieve Stress in Cats
Modern-day life can be very stressful for cats. Often, we only realize our pet is stressed when they develop extreme behaviors or becomes sick. If we know what to look for, we can recognize stress in cats before issues arise and prevent problems from occurring.
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Healthcare for Pets
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